Scientists: There Is No Life After Death
Nor is there a God. There also is no other intelligent life in the universe. We are utterly alone, on a journey with one and only one destination — oblivion. How’s your day going, by the way?

Did anybody else pay attention in science classes in high school? I kinda did. I mean, not really. But somehow this truth was passed onto me by science and I just accepted it, many years ago.
I’ve been trying to make the best of a bad situation, frankly.
I don’t feel “existential” about any of the aforementioned obvious truths. The main reason for that is I once had a concussion. I was completely knocked out in a traffic accident. Unconscious for a full ten minutes. I had a great realization afterwards: oblivion is quite wonderful.
When I die I am quite sure it will be exactly like this concussion. I will “pass out” and experience exactly nothing.
Nothing at all. What’s so bad about that?
You Can’t Handle the Truth!
I don’t mean to go all Jack Nicholson on you. I mean, maybe you can handle the truth. But seems to me huge swaths of the population just don’t get it. They either cling to religious fairy tales or they hold on to some George Lucas myth of the “force” or some UFO enthusiast’s ET fantasy of “phoning home.”
These hugely popular myths were designed to soothe the lonely, savage beast within us, but it’s really not necessary folks.
It’s Actually No Big Deal
Don’t fear the reaper, and yes, give it some more cowbell! Of course, there is something quite uncanny about the whole death thing. For instance:
How Can the World Go On Without Me?
I mean, it seems that I’ve been the center of the universe all this time. So if I’m suddenly erased, what will the new center of the universe be? It doesn’t make sense!
Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but the world will be fine without you.
One Day, Will I Just Be a Photo Buried Deep in A Photo Album in my Grandchildren’s Grandchildren’s House?
And then after that, the photo album will go on sale at a garage sale. Nobody will buy it. And then the last remaining photo of you will be thrown in the garbage.
But What About Digital Copies?
Yes, there will be some scans of the photo. But they were being held on a Dropbox folder that is no longer being paid for. Dropbox has deleted the last of you.
Thanks a lot Dropbox!
Actually, Dropbox doesn’t even exist any more, in all likelihood. There will be some new way of storing stuff that we can’t even imagine.
And so it’s true, in that new form of storage, there might be some remaining image of you. Like a real blurry one.
Does that Console You?
What about Cryogenic Freezing or Downloading My Brain to A Computer?
No. None of that is ever going to work, sorry. It’s just impossible. Forget it.
That’s where you’re headed. But guess what? I’ll be there too. We’ll all be together there. It’s going to be a party.
The Party of Infinite Nothingness.
A toast! To our bright futures!
Does this put the nonsense of the last few months in perspective? This big kerfuffle about the election? I mean really, what does it matter, in the grand scheme of things?
In the Grand Scheme of Things…
Who cares?
Enjoy yourself…it’s later than you think…enjoy yourself…
That’s from a great song written by two guys named Carl Sigman and Herbert Magidson. (They’ve both been dead for over twenty years).
You work and work for years and years, you’re always on the go
You never take a minute off, too busy makin’ dough
Someday you say, you’ll have your fun, when you’re a millionaire
Imagine all the fun you’ll have in your old rockin’ chairEnjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Enjoy yourself, while you’re still in the pink
The years go by, as quickly as a wink
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think
Anyhow, that’s all I had to say. I hope that Messrs. Sigman and Magidson managed to enjoy themselves somewhat before the clock ran out. And I hope that you do too.
Have a nice day.
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Clem Samson
Personal Growth
Written by Clem Samson
Writer for
The Haven
HJumorist, satirist, poetist, journalist. Creative Writing Prof. Buy his The Seven Labyrinths here and go post ego!