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  1. Fred Thornton
    June 17, 2024 @ 10:30 am

    Do believe the lyric went “round, like a circle in a spiral…” The snooty tone of this article makes me think the feminista segment of society came blazing around the bend so fast they ran nose first into their own butt.

    For forty some years I’ve been telling the hardcore feminists I’ve encountered “sure, of course, feel free to go run the world. But what you’re going to find is that it’s the job not the gender that causes the problems. Ya’ll won’t fare any better than the boys did in the long run.”

    They didn’t believe me back then, but the fact they’re trying to mock the “Tradwife” thing is pretty solid proof there’s been more than a few who figured it out since acausing the fauxLiberal to initiate damage control protocols.

    Oh, and by the by? A woman who knows HOW to be a traditional wife is an incredibly versatile person. Write up the job she does like you were trying to hire someone, a male, to do the same job and by the time you have things translated into the business dialect of modern English you’d swear it would take a minimum of a masters degree running over the top of a double major baccalaureate to even make a try at it.

Watchman, what of the night?