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  1. Fred Thornton
    July 3, 2024 @ 12:26 am

    A name to remember: Bill Mollison, arguably the founding father of what is c1alled Permaculture Ag.

    The aquifer is dangerously depleted, it is time to stop pumping it down wholesale hell bent for leather. That said, the food production we here in the states take for granted depends on that water. It is time to get creative with managing the surface water to maximum efficiency to maintain the production in a sustainable manner.

    Bill worked the Australian outback before becoming a prof for an Aussie university, IMO he represents as close to the perfect blend of country boy creativity reinforced by academic study as you’re likely to find. Many of the things he did to farm the desert outback can be scaled up, expanded and deployed, to hold a line against this threat. The guy is impressive, runs in with folks like Bill Lear and Shelby, fit company for Tom Edison and Tom Jefforson in many ways. I love to argue, and I have trouble finding much to argue with in what he has gifted the world.

    Folks should take a good look, a good hard DIY look, at what he has to offer before they allow the preachers of doom and gloom to sabotage any and every hope on the alter of fauxLiberal despair.

Watchman, what of the night?