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  1. Fred Thornton
    July 25, 2024 @ 10:43 am

    *sad chuckle* Machines more intelligent than the humans who built them? Intelligence? Huh? There’s an app for that… somewhere… maybe… please?

    First, Artificial intelligence is a contradiction in terms, that which is creative cannot be fake; secondly,Darwin cuts both ways… across the generations the more intelligence the tech provides the dumber the humans will become ( the first consequence of AI is the better the AI the more idiots and imbeciles it will allow to survive long enough to breed… look at the state of USA for a proof of that assertion ) so the idea that the tech will be or become smarter than the humans is a solid assumption and an easy read; and third, a self motivated general intelligence mounted on a silicon platform rather than a carbon based biological one will of necessity be an evolved thing rather than a designed one ( the issue of motivation the key factor: the silicon entity will live in an environment so radically different from the one supporting the humans as to be truly unimaginable and by reason of being unimaginable completely beyond any effort of deliberate design by said humans).

    On a more snarcastic note? The human critter has a deep and abiding psychological need for something to serve as a reference standard outside the human condition, a God or Goddess by any other name, whose thought provides a navigation marker for the evolution of ethics, morality and society. IMO half of the current fascination with developing “AI” is actually just the new religion of “science” desperately trying to build themselves a God before the amoral nature of a purely fact based vision of reality causes the faithful (yes, the faithful, far more people believe in science than are able to actually do science) to utterly self destruct… as a viable culture… in positive feedback loops of perversions where sexual perversion is among the lesser dangers to their survival.

    Right.. Intelligence. There’s an app for that…

Watchman, what of the night?