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  1. joe kerr
    August 26, 2024 @ 11:18 am

    When orwell first published his tome… he was viciously attacked by the left. They pointed out obvious lies and mistakes he wrote. They were particularly outraged at his insistence on romanticizing the impoverished circumstances anarchists had created and the fear of the peasants about using language forbidden etc the fact that nothing seemed to function properly…esp. when different groups of anarchists decided to just no cooperate…just because. Franco (socialist) won because even the other leftists couldnt stomach the anarchists and would rather fight them instead… Stalin who had had to liquidate russian anarchists along with Trotsky cut off all weapons supplies etc etc… It’s very telling that some one like chomsky whom most see as mentally unstable would align himself with others of a similar bent.

Watchman, what of the night?