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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    September 20, 2024 @ 10:24 am

    Old subject, new flip. Not a bad article on the subject, several good points, only a whisper hint of the ” oh you poor pitiful wretch, it must suck so bad to be an American…” so common to the standard fauxLiberal totalitarianism is good! anti gun propaganda spiel (to wit, the”dangerous world” concept, which is a defensible argument within the context). I’d say I agree with the author’s take on the subject at the 90% line , and that is a high mark from me on any subject.

    That said, what I will challenge is the blurb for the article found up-page from this comment. Sorry gang, but you tried for a dominance polarity flip with that one, and I’m not buying it. Switzerland not only can but should be compared to the United States on this subject, point by point in exacting detail.

    Fact: it is not the gun that decides how the gun is to be used, it is the man holding the gun that does that! So what is actually different between a Swiss man and an American man? The article touches on this point more than once, but the blurb denies it, setting a first impression bias against any truth found in the article to follow. THAT is called a polarity flip in the realms of propaganda. This article, plus that blurb, does an outstanding job of illuminating how you go about using the absolute truth… to pull off a dangerous misinformation lie.

    Fred Thornton
    Grand Master, Paranoid Conspiracy Theorists, International.


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