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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    October 10, 2024 @ 9:14 pm

    Amazing. And frankly, a bit worrisome. I read this three times, just to be sure, and nowhere did I see the most quintessential American myth of them all, the one that does the best job of defining what it is to be an American, the one the fauxLiberal attack as part of their morning rituals upon arrising from their sleep: the myth of the rugged individual who will always do what they understand to be right and righteous regardless of the consequences for their life.

    Not seen. Could it be that that the fauxLiberal fear to mention that one lest their mention of it recall it to the minds of those they’ve deceived into believing there is no such thing as right and wrong? Or could it be that they’ve become worse than arrogant and have been corrupted by their own weapon?

    An interesting question, that one is. but then again who is going to mention the attitudes and tactics of feral cats when their hope and intention is to lull a population into behaving like a flock of docile sheep?

    If this wasn’t such a serious attack on the very foundation concepts of freedom it would come off as comedy in the same genre as the keystone cops.


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