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  1. Fred Thornton
    October 12, 2024 @ 11:45 am

    Harris isn’t going to touch education on the campaign trail, she can’t, it’s third rail lethal to her. It was on behalf of her zeal for mandatory public indoctrination out in California that she committed the gaffe* that revealed just how dependent the DNC really is on the social programming the fauxLiberal’s alliance with Empire Academia has gotten embedded and entrenched within public education. Without that functionality their base evaporates in short order, and they know it.

    Trump isn’t going to touch education, certainly not at a Federal level, he knows his base hasn’t quite figured out the full scope and scale of the fauxLiberal’s plot and plan to degrade America into a HOPELESS oriental style caste and class society ruled by Empire Academi’s blatant systemic social biases, but they’re well on their way to that understanding and their grass roots Guadalcanal grade counterattack is one of the few trully unifying factors within that demographic. Anything he might do… be it good, bad, or just ugly… would be (correctly, IMO) seen as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

    (IMCO) Until that plot and plan is fully exposed, dismantled, destroyed and forcibly purged from America’s education system NO federal candidate can afford to address education as a core component of their platform. One way or another it would totally backfire on them.

    *destroying every element of rational causal logic supporting juris prudence by legislating into law and legal precedence the utterly obscene notion that the state can, at their political convenience, charge one individual with a crime committed by another individual!!! I for one have ABSOLUTELY NO FAITH that Harris and company planned to stop with truancy laws on that one!!!


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