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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    February 22, 2025 @ 9:36 pm

    Sorry, but the anti-vax people have a viable case based on a set of circumstances NONE of the experts want to discuss. It is entirely possible that BOTH sides of this argument are telling the absolute truth, and the villian is a third issue never considered, never tested for, an industry bankrupting liability should it prove out true.

    Fact: the vaccines are prepared for commercial distribution using chicken eggs, and several of the proteins from those eggs carry forward into the finished solution to be injected. They are not technically part of the vaccine but rather compounding agents used for mass distribution.

    WHAT HAPPENS IF it turns out that those very protiens are a developmental psycho-active allergen to some children, or children at some critically vulnerable stage of development at the time of innoculation?

    HAVE YOU EVER heard of a pediatrician testing for an allergic reaction to the compounding agents used to prepare a vaccine? I haven’t. If it were an allergen impacting developmental gene expression I’m not sure you could test for that.

    I think the vaccine industry has their bare arse hanging over a hornets nest and the only defense they have is hoping that no one notices.


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