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  1. Fred Thornton
    July 21, 2024 @ 9:38 pm

    Sophia (the author) I’ll see your “conspiracy loop” and raise you five government sponsored public educations. Cards?

    You say “Conspiracy theories are not just bizarre curiosities festering on the fringes of society that are perpetuated by a handful of tinfoil-hat crazies. Nor do they emerge from thin air.” You are absolutely correct, what you are contesting is the work of professionals uuniversity educated in the mental sciences… the offspring of grandfather psychology… who are then tempered and refined working in advertising and marketing, the industries of manipulation.

    With that said the obvious first step is for higher education to admit their complicity in the problem and begin the remediation by practicing a bit of stewardship over that which they create. As example of stewardship? Dupont will not sell you DMS (a very hazardous organic acid) until THEIR engineers have inspected your system and procedures to confirm that you’re not going to kill anyone using what you want to buy from them.

    Can Empire Academia make any similar claim concerning the hazardous potentials of what they teach? I don’t believe they do or ever have, which makes them utterly indiscriminant arms merchant’s of the covert cultural warfare currently savaging the world.

    Just for the record, I claim Grand Master status as a conspiracy theorist, and most of what your talking about would be laughed out of court if presented to those who make an avocation of practicing inductive reasoning on current events. The fact that your kind make it such a consistent habit of slandering my kind is one of the most solid indicators there is someone who really does have something unsavory going on tyrannical they’re trying to hide

Watchman, what of the night?