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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    August 24, 2024 @ 4:29 pm

    Ok…. if bait this be then baited I am.

    First point: in the article is the sentence “New ways of adding CRISPR to the bodies of people already born—children and adults—could let them easily receive changes as well. “

    Right. The author didn’t say it, but I will… THAT sounds terrifyingly close to the mRNA technology introduced to the public to fight the Covid-19 plandemic.

    My answer, lock and load, is NO.

    I would far rather see every nation on earth operating on a United Nation’s commission dispatch every elite military unit at their command… US Army 10th mountain, US Navy SEAL, their Russian and British etc et al counterparts with world wide TAC/SAC air support… to intercept and destroy this threat now while it is still in it’s infancy. If the scientists can be captured alive they should finish their days on a remote tropical paradise provided with anything they might want (except research facilities) … with all outgoing communication censored and redacted to harmless while under under lethal force quarantine. Period, end of sentence.

    Said UN commission should be an ongoing and permanent mission to monitor against the possibility of some covert group reprising the research, with a no warning first strike military operation the go to default response option.

    I do not want the great grandchildren of those who are now young to call Star Trek’s “The Wrath of Kahn” prophetic fiction.

Watchman, what of the night?