After many years of thought on this problem the only solution I see is not very likely to happen. Post Armaggeddon perhaps. The solution I see is for the city of Jerusalem, which is central to every major religion descended from the tent of Abraham, to become an international city-state as is the Vatican as a protectorate of the UN, and that said city-state be the seat of a quasi-federal government over the entire region wherein the existing political entities function as do the states in the USA. The constitution of his government would need to be written to be inclusive of the commonalities seen between the scripture based laws,and the supreme court of said land be an empowered court to hear rational arguments from any theological perpective included within the constitution, and the verdicts of that court must have nuetral, external muscle to enforce them on those who make themselves criminal in a society of (God’s) aw based religions.
All of the theologies involved preach more peace than war, the hypocrites all twist their scriptures to justify war over peace, until there is a tribunal to champion the welfare of the genuinely faithful the problems will continue, and it will be God (by whichever name you address Him) who will get blamed… by those who use the other name(s).
This offered with my sympathy… for the fate of Pontius Pilate.
phil evans
February 3, 2024 @
3:18 pm
vatican city is minimized by your inept solidification of simple scripture.
by your measure abraham’s tent started a lot of grief.
actors/implementors start sh.t, not explainers.
January 28, 2024 @ 3:44 am
After many years of thought on this problem the only solution I see is not very likely to happen. Post Armaggeddon perhaps. The solution I see is for the city of Jerusalem, which is central to every major religion descended from the tent of Abraham, to become an international city-state as is the Vatican as a protectorate of the UN, and that said city-state be the seat of a quasi-federal government over the entire region wherein the existing political entities function as do the states in the USA. The constitution of his government would need to be written to be inclusive of the commonalities seen between the scripture based laws,and the supreme court of said land be an empowered court to hear rational arguments from any theological perpective included within the constitution, and the verdicts of that court must have nuetral, external muscle to enforce them on those who make themselves criminal in a society of (God’s) aw based religions.
All of the theologies involved preach more peace than war, the hypocrites all twist their scriptures to justify war over peace, until there is a tribunal to champion the welfare of the genuinely faithful the problems will continue, and it will be God (by whichever name you address Him) who will get blamed… by those who use the other name(s).
This offered with my sympathy… for the fate of Pontius Pilate.
February 3, 2024 @ 3:18 pm
vatican city is minimized by your inept solidification of simple scripture.
by your measure abraham’s tent started a lot of grief.
actors/implementors start sh.t, not explainers.