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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    August 29, 2022 @ 10:11 am

    This oneā€¦ would seem so absolutely trivial and silly were it not for the fact it reveals one of the most dangerous psychological pathogens afflicting modern humanity. Who would have ever thought the humble pronoun would reveal the most potent attack ever launched against the macroscopic human condition?

    Those who are demanding pronoun usage be mutated, modified, shifted, to suit their choice of lifestyle are demonstrating something from the realms of sexuality that is all but taboo in any other facet of modern society, to wit the recently established cardinal sin of individualism.

    What makes this such a massively dangerous situation is this: if the only socially acceptable individualism is in the choices of sterility going on perversion then humanity is solidly trapped in a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario. Since the initiating spark of creativity is an exclusive subset of individualism AND the only people socially empowered to be openly individual are only empowered relative to what will inevitably cause the human race to cease to exist then no dystopian writer who ever put pen to paper got even close to describing the misery and tyranny that will inevitably result as a consequence of the causal logic involved. Think about it.

Watchman, what of the night?