Feeling despair after Trump’s 2024 election win? Viktor Frankl can help.
Feeling despair after Trump’s election victory? Viktor Frankl can help.
Source: Feeling despair after Trump’s 2024 election win? Viktor Frankl can help. | Vox
Feeling despair after Trump’s election victory? Viktor Frankl can help.
Source: Feeling despair after Trump’s 2024 election win? Viktor Frankl can help. | Vox
November 9, 2024 @ 5:43 pm
Authoritarianism… I could, and maybe should, write a book on this subject. It is after all a central concept used in the weaponry of the fauxLiberal… the false free… against the headwater source of all freedom which resides between the ears of the people. Obviously it would be a fool’s errand to try and stuff such a book in a comment block, but I can share a couple of key points to hopefully prime the pump of independent thought on the subject.
1) Authority is a granted function of life. If what is called authority was not freely granted for rational cause then it is NOT authority, it is some amalgamation of coercion, compulsion, downright tyranny by force of arms, many words of that polarity describe the dynamic, but it is not authority. Ergo, the very word “authoritarianism” resolves as a false flag concealment of the truth.
Equally, and by the same reasoning, no one can be compelled to live under authoritarian rule, not unless they surrender their free will to the false claim. We can find ourselves in the position of living beside such an effort to usurp our freedom, but only the individual can place himself as BENEATH it.
The fauxLiberal offer many miscarriages of rational causal reasoning to seduce people into such a surrender. If someone, anyone, attempts to use such an argument to convince you it is your ethical duty to surrender in such a manner see them for what they are: an agent of the enemy.
For an example, quick and dirty, of the sort of lies I’m talking about? Consider the case of the (s.i.c) “Social Contract”, the idea that the accident of being born into a society means an individual is ethically compelled to grant that society authority over the structure and content, of their thoughts (effectively the Kamala Harris position on such matters). Nonsense. Since when can a suckling babe in arms enter into any binding contract, much less one involving what has yet to be determined, specifically the adult the infant will evolve into? Bullshit. That is one of Empire Academia’s a manipulative lies right from the get go.
Folks, as we find ourselves today we have two choices: defend freedom where freedom begins, or choose the color of your chains. Good luck.