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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    March 1, 2025 @ 10:55 am

    People don’t believe what they see, they call those facts, and with the instances of Autism skyrocketing AND autism usually presenting when the child has been observed as having just been vaccinated? The conclusion is going to be drawn: one caused the other.

    The fact that the instances of autism ARE skyrocketing, climbing hard, actually argues against the idea that the vaccinations are the cause: if the vaccines were the culprit the autism rate should be a stable percentage, possibly proportionate to any given manufacturers portion of the market. That would be of course in a world where there was no reason to suspect… umm, let us call it “politically targeted quality control”… just to hang a formal sounding title on the blackest of the fears.

    But the most solid bottom line is that when Empire Academia’s Kingdom of Psychology claimed themselves a science trying to bolster the voracity of their political ambitions, both personal and contract as it were, the events that transpired afterwards so slandered the character of the word science, or scientist, that they now must endure the same reputation once inflicted on used car salesmen.


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