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  1. Al Markowitz
    July 4, 2021 @ 9:38 am


    It was a good idea once
    inalienable rights and the abolition
    of tyranny but
    we’ve mucked it up, this great
    American Experiment
    our own inbred aristocracy madder
    than noon-baked Englishmen with
    crimes and usurpations running amok,
    torn bodies and new hatreds in every
    casbah tentacles
    in every pocket and a
    knife at every throat
    and we wage slave
    descendants of the free
    the not so free
    sinking in the refuse of yesterday’s bargains
    punch clocked and jackbooting our way
    to the fossil record at the speed of credit
    with no payments ’till January —
    a toxic spoor of ruined
    places, broken lives and gulags.

    We had a bad run but it’s time
    to come clean,
    to admit our failure to
    examine the bloody Manifest
    of our imagined Destiny.

    Time to Repent
    for mass graves and wars of false premise,
    for all those dictators, our murky turkeys lurking
    in every hot satrapy with trained goons keeping
    bloody order and a quota of disappeared.

    Time to admit
    it was all a mistake
    made in the bravado of our youth and
    rejoin the Commonwealth
    Stop seeing stars and turn in our
    bloody stripes
    be British again
    take tea and healthcare claim
    our place lordless
    in the house of commons where
    Empire is only a memory
    best forgotten.

    — Al Markowitz

Watchman, what of the night?