fred [goodshit editor] sez
the many zigs and zags of the Jack Smith prosecution of Trump are mostly attempts to delay any outcome in the hopes Trump can win the election and pardon himself and others.
My view: the president of the United States should not have a right to pardon convicted felons for any reason. That is what kings and queens do. This is or was or should be a democracy and a ruler ought not wave his presidential wand to dismiss felons.
July 17, 2024 @ 9:10 am
Sorry but whole heartedly disagree… and so did the founders whom deliberately created those powers. Its esp. important to remember many consider us to be a christian nation… and whether one is jewish or christian the central belief is forgiveness. We should all practice what we claim to believe… forgiveness and redemption!!! And while we are at it… the justice system has clearly been weaponize with the sole purpose of destroying political enemies- thats what kings and queens and assorted dictators do- its esp galling knowing that those whom are doing it are just as guilty if not more so…. Hypocrisy is the problem not the constitution!
July 17, 2024 @ 3:52 pm
Joe, I have to weigh in on Fred’s side, with this for my reasoning: to allow one man to override the decision of twelve men vetted onto a jury as being as unbiased as possible is to say the social status of a man’s job (regardless of what that job might be) assigns a ranking to his status as a citizen which is hardly a thought cosistent with an egalitarian society.
That said, I’m fairly confident that the founding fathers, being entirely to aware of the miscarriages of justice caused by the court politics found in the European monarchies of their day, gave that power to the President as a hedge against such cliques and cabals creating a socio-politicl environment where justice would fall victim to blackmail and slander being used to enforce compliance (imagine what Epstien and company could have engineered using what he knew). Sad truth is that SCOTUS is not the only branch of the judiciary to become a stacked court that hops here to there and carries their young in a pouch.
By rights this one is a loophole in the logic of the Constitution that needs closing by an amendment.