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  1. H.F.
    November 6, 2024 @ 1:33 pm

    Fred I’ve really appreciated your curation through these many years and I still do today.

    Today is indeed a day of great sadness. Our nation is now potentially looking at the next 20 to 25 years being under the rule of a fascist theocracy.

    I’m in Louisiana which is already under theocratic fascists rule…

    Thank you for this post and all the other posts you’ve made through the years supporting our representative democracy. It’s always good to know one is not alone.

    Fist bumps and hugs from here…

  2. Stan
    November 6, 2024 @ 1:33 pm

    So far, I sense an overwhelming frustration and impatience in a search for quick solution as the driving force.

  3. Nijit
    November 6, 2024 @ 8:17 pm

    For the first time in my life I am ashamed for America. The Braying Jackass planted the seeds of fear and hate and then he reaped the rewards, because so many Americans felt that the importance of addressing the cost of milk and eggs superceded the importance of addressing the rising tide of racism and fascism, and the loss of personal freedoms. Today, I just feel sick.

  4. Gary Owen
    November 6, 2024 @ 10:48 pm

    “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” – Thomas Jefferson. That seems a very harsh judgement for those who voted otherwise. As a former American with friends and family still living in the United (?) States, I now live in dread of what may happen to the country I still love and her people. Godspeed, America.

  5. Fred Thornton
    November 6, 2024 @ 11:40 pm

    What I saw was America falling victim to one of the devil’s favorite folk sayings, to wit choosing the lesser of two evils. Anyway you slice it that means that of your own free will you chose something you knew was an evil thing. Not to say the lesser evil might work the lesser harm, but if it is an evil thing it will cause ha rm, and you will share the responsibility for any harm it does cause. You did choose it after all.

    How is it that America saw DT as the lesser evil? IMO because DT is such an outrageous character, so up front and in your face with such transparent bias and bigotry, such blatant self interest, as to make them confident they can intercept and contain him using the safeties the founding fathers wrote into the constitution. They see KH on the other hand as representing the slight of hand deceptions worked by professional politicians everywhere, the subtle deceptions of consequences the innocent and ignorant rarely percieve in time to mount a defense. The American rank and file feel, with a fair degree of justification going well beyond matters monetary, that their culture and society has suffered enough moral degradation to such tactics.

    Or, in easier throw the blame language? Blame it on the Woke movement (blatantly supported by the Democratic political party) who, by attempting to legislate the content of America’s culture, awakened the same sleeping giant that Admiral Yamamoto was worried about, and they did indeed fill that giant with a terrible resolve.

  6. Mike
    November 7, 2024 @ 1:56 pm

    What brought at least half of American voters to vote for “that guy.”
    Actually more than half voted for him — 52%
    Everyone calls him a racist, but blacks, latinos, jews and even muslims were backing him.

Watchman, what of the night?