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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    January 15, 2022 @ 11:58 pm

    To answer the question posed in the title? Yes, but… pursuent to the old saw about how you can’t solve a problem at the same level it originated from you can’t define consciousness from the level you normally experience it. You must either attempt to transcend your own level to view and define yourself from above… or the somewhat easier option of descending a level or two and taking multiple points of view to define yourself by the shadow of yourself cast across the lower levels. IF one knows the point source of the light then the sum of the shadows paints a quite workable image of the object. Nueroscience takes the latter and lower option, philosophy runs the high road where even if the philosopher might catch a glimpse the lay public is unlikely to see the same vision. Always a good subject to amuse those intoxicated on a light euphoriac and hallucinagen.

Watchman, what of the night?