Sorry, but I’m gonna save what give-a-d*mn I got left for something that matters. I knew when the man ran for office he was a con artist, the conviction is no surprise to anyone. What the talking heads NEED to be worried about is how many Americans (a majority, to my count in my world) are of the opinion that ALL politicians are the same sort of disreputable pervert pedophile wahoos you don’t want anywhere near your kids, and the professionals are just much better than the amature Donald Trump at not getting caught.
June 1, 2024 @ 3:08 pm
Sorry, but I’m gonna save what give-a-d*mn I got left for something that matters. I knew when the man ran for office he was a con artist, the conviction is no surprise to anyone. What the talking heads NEED to be worried about is how many Americans (a majority, to my count in my world) are of the opinion that ALL politicians are the same sort of disreputable pervert pedophile wahoos you don’t want anywhere near your kids, and the professionals are just much better than the amature Donald Trump at not getting caught.