I have tried to be open minded and a seeker all of my life, but this history revisionist bullshit it making me mad.
If YOU want a West full of gay cowboys, or black gay cowboys, then enjoy your delusions.
I knew cowboys who were born in the 1880’s…and they liked WOMEN.
I was an outside specialist consultant to seven Western Museums about the historic Cowboy.
I have been through countless historical documents, archives, contemporary letters and photos.
I found NO historical proof that the West was populated by black cowboys or gay cowboys.
If someone got poky in a cowcamp, they were libal to get their dick shot off.
WHERE is all of this proof that the West was Gay and Black? SHOW ME !
Black cowboys in the Southwest, yes. Up north they were rarer than rocking horse shit.
Gay cowboys, maybe so, every strata of society has them.
Charles M. Russell was a documentary artist. He painted everything that he ever saw in the
cowboy world and was lauded for his true depictions. NO black cowboys in his art, and Russell was
no racist.
More power to the Gay and Black cowboys today. I take offense with art galleries and special interest
groups trying to change historical fact to suit modern agendas. There were gays and blacks in the West, but quit trying to paint
over the truth with your wide brush. SHOW me documentation that they were so wide spread that the
cowboys who were white and not gay must be erased.
I’m all for Beyonce playing “Cowgirl”. but there is an undertone of white resentment in her. Don’t believe me?
Read up on her. She can have her new west, but leave the Old West the hell alone. Facts don’t support this wokeism.
April 18, 2024 @ 9:05 am
I have tried to be open minded and a seeker all of my life, but this history revisionist bullshit it making me mad.
If YOU want a West full of gay cowboys, or black gay cowboys, then enjoy your delusions.
I knew cowboys who were born in the 1880’s…and they liked WOMEN.
I was an outside specialist consultant to seven Western Museums about the historic Cowboy.
I have been through countless historical documents, archives, contemporary letters and photos.
I found NO historical proof that the West was populated by black cowboys or gay cowboys.
If someone got poky in a cowcamp, they were libal to get their dick shot off.
WHERE is all of this proof that the West was Gay and Black? SHOW ME !
Black cowboys in the Southwest, yes. Up north they were rarer than rocking horse shit.
Gay cowboys, maybe so, every strata of society has them.
Charles M. Russell was a documentary artist. He painted everything that he ever saw in the
cowboy world and was lauded for his true depictions. NO black cowboys in his art, and Russell was
no racist.
More power to the Gay and Black cowboys today. I take offense with art galleries and special interest
groups trying to change historical fact to suit modern agendas. There were gays and blacks in the West, but quit trying to paint
over the truth with your wide brush. SHOW me documentation that they were so wide spread that the
cowboys who were white and not gay must be erased.
I’m all for Beyonce playing “Cowgirl”. but there is an undertone of white resentment in her. Don’t believe me?
Read up on her. She can have her new west, but leave the Old West the hell alone. Facts don’t support this wokeism.