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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    August 17, 2022 @ 10:37 am

    The author’s point is well taken: without villains there can be no heroes. On the other hand, the several state legislatures also have a very solid point: any effort to induce undeserved shame into an individual who by reason of full causal logic cannot be guilty of the offence alleged is and of rights should be considered emotional abuse. Gaslighting, I think it’s called in the modern vernacular, a very nasty thing in its’ own right particularly when executed by an authoritarian institution such as the public schools.

    You cannot have it both ways, oh fauxLiberal America. You’ve painted yourselves into a very solid corner on this issue, and in the process revealed a great deal of the intent and ambitions of those who sponsor your existence… Empire Academia’s Kingdom of Psychology… they who have become the undisputed all time champions at the game of manufacturing their own clientele to suit covert political agendas.

Watchman, what of the night?