To answer the question in the title? At this point in time I’d say Donald Trump, the historical man far more than the topped out politician, is effectively the totem and talisman representing the Democratic Party’s totally guilty conscience in matters of psycho-sexual-social ethics… (yes, please do read Jeffry Epstien)… that they desperately wish would go away before the American populace fully figures out why they harbor such a total nuerotic terror of the man.
I cannot claim the core of this thought, it belongs to another well ranked conspiracy theorist of my acquaintance whose perception filled in the hole in my theory. The entirety of ‘The Trump Affair” explains easily if the truth is that Dnald Trump, at the turn of the century a Democrat running a large and prestigous luxury hotel, had been in cahoots with the …pre-island… JEpstien blackmail machine one major facet of the Democratic party was using to control it’s own rank and file. As the debauchery degraded below DT’s personal tolerance he broke away from the machine by changing political parties… taking with him physical evidence in the form of his hotel’s security surveilance data of those involved with or entrapped by the blackmail machine’s operation! The last twenty some years of America’s political history falls out in neat little rows and columns starting from that assumption of macro-motive.
It is safe to speak of this now because in essence the Federal Judge who released the list of names just earned his robes and place in history by effectively saying “there, stop tearing up the nation in fear of what Donald Trump might reveal, your secrets are no longer hidden and it was I, representing the law of the land, who did it. You have no leg left to fight from or for so just go home and clean up your mess.”
January 11, 2024 @ 1:19 am
To answer the question in the title? At this point in time I’d say Donald Trump, the historical man far more than the topped out politician, is effectively the totem and talisman representing the Democratic Party’s totally guilty conscience in matters of psycho-sexual-social ethics… (yes, please do read Jeffry Epstien)… that they desperately wish would go away before the American populace fully figures out why they harbor such a total nuerotic terror of the man.
I cannot claim the core of this thought, it belongs to another well ranked conspiracy theorist of my acquaintance whose perception filled in the hole in my theory. The entirety of ‘The Trump Affair” explains easily if the truth is that Dnald Trump, at the turn of the century a Democrat running a large and prestigous luxury hotel, had been in cahoots with the …pre-island… JEpstien blackmail machine one major facet of the Democratic party was using to control it’s own rank and file. As the debauchery degraded below DT’s personal tolerance he broke away from the machine by changing political parties… taking with him physical evidence in the form of his hotel’s security surveilance data of those involved with or entrapped by the blackmail machine’s operation! The last twenty some years of America’s political history falls out in neat little rows and columns starting from that assumption of macro-motive.
It is safe to speak of this now because in essence the Federal Judge who released the list of names just earned his robes and place in history by effectively saying “there, stop tearing up the nation in fear of what Donald Trump might reveal, your secrets are no longer hidden and it was I, representing the law of the land, who did it. You have no leg left to fight from or for so just go home and clean up your mess.”