And… the feminists weigh in. Several points well taken, several ignored or obscured in her vision, but that’s pretty typical when dealing with the feminist perspective. No need for the likes of me to comment on the points well taken, they’ll stand on their own, and down the line where things might need a bit more illumination to show the full picture.
1) The college statics are miss leading. The modern university is home to two very distinct lines of study, the sciences of reality (commonly called STEM), and the s.i.c. sciences of society, often known as “the humanities.” The girls are still in short supply in the former, and of course thriving in the latter where what is presented is more often a matter of compliance, a proof of submission if you will, to prevailing social opinion. The point I’d love to see broken out discretely involves the cross over realms of business where many binding decisions are made based on flathat thought. But so far no such data seems available. Question: is the girl’s thought as compliance based in that realm as they are in some others?
2) Another point glaringly missing from all such feminist thought is the motherhood factor. A woman with a career simply does not have the available time to do a good job of mothering her children. That she can financially afford to buy childcare, that her social networks provide ever enlarging childcare programs masquerading as education does nothing but assure positive feedback loops of social thought imprinted and impressed on the kids in the place of good parenting, a HUGE grievance of the conservative populist, aka, the Trumpites. Motherhood is a fully evolved biological and developmental function of the female, no matter how good a boy is at childcare and nurture he can never be Momma, and the explosion of fragmented snowflake nuerotic headcases sinking our society stands as solid proof of that assertion.
3) That Ms. Bernstein speaks to the disparity in the social evolution in gender roles between the boys and the girls speaks well of her, a genuine feminist and not feminista/feminazi. When the feminists can wrap their head around, and publically speak, to factor (2) above they’ll be a massive asset in dealing with how to safely and non-suicidally transition the human race from what it was when the boys took point to let the girls mother the young… a world where if the environment of survival didn’t kill you and yours then the next guy trying to feed his family might… to what we live in now where AI is becoming the new God and the planet is full.
I respect the later generation feminists, I live with and love one of ’em… but I’d be useless to her as a man if I let her status as a Momma cause me not to speak in reality based compassionate terms to the things where her femininity creates blind spots in her perception just like she speaks to the blind spots I live with as a consequence of being a self aware man.
December 11, 2024 @ 3:16 pm
And… the feminists weigh in. Several points well taken, several ignored or obscured in her vision, but that’s pretty typical when dealing with the feminist perspective. No need for the likes of me to comment on the points well taken, they’ll stand on their own, and down the line where things might need a bit more illumination to show the full picture.
1) The college statics are miss leading. The modern university is home to two very distinct lines of study, the sciences of reality (commonly called STEM), and the s.i.c. sciences of society, often known as “the humanities.” The girls are still in short supply in the former, and of course thriving in the latter where what is presented is more often a matter of compliance, a proof of submission if you will, to prevailing social opinion. The point I’d love to see broken out discretely involves the cross over realms of business where many binding decisions are made based on flathat thought. But so far no such data seems available. Question: is the girl’s thought as compliance based in that realm as they are in some others?
2) Another point glaringly missing from all such feminist thought is the motherhood factor. A woman with a career simply does not have the available time to do a good job of mothering her children. That she can financially afford to buy childcare, that her social networks provide ever enlarging childcare programs masquerading as education does nothing but assure positive feedback loops of social thought imprinted and impressed on the kids in the place of good parenting, a HUGE grievance of the conservative populist, aka, the Trumpites. Motherhood is a fully evolved biological and developmental function of the female, no matter how good a boy is at childcare and nurture he can never be Momma, and the explosion of fragmented snowflake nuerotic headcases sinking our society stands as solid proof of that assertion.
3) That Ms. Bernstein speaks to the disparity in the social evolution in gender roles between the boys and the girls speaks well of her, a genuine feminist and not feminista/feminazi. When the feminists can wrap their head around, and publically speak, to factor (2) above they’ll be a massive asset in dealing with how to safely and non-suicidally transition the human race from what it was when the boys took point to let the girls mother the young… a world where if the environment of survival didn’t kill you and yours then the next guy trying to feed his family might… to what we live in now where AI is becoming the new God and the planet is full.
I respect the later generation feminists, I live with and love one of ’em… but I’d be useless to her as a man if I let her status as a Momma cause me not to speak in reality based compassionate terms to the things where her femininity creates blind spots in her perception just like she speaks to the blind spots I live with as a consequence of being a self aware man.