Ahhh… the beauty of statistically supported misunderstanding. There will be those who maintain nature’s scheme of two genders, and there are those who embrace the ever enlarging count of genders being promoted by EAKP and company. The count of those who migrate into the expanded gendersphere, which has no cultural roles assigned, are effectively just a rather Darwinian dilution removing themselves from the main population. Of course the primaries will look more intense… they’re running closer to pure.
This reminds me of my grandfather’s joke about how when all the okies moved to California it raised the average IQ of both states.
March 1, 2025 @ 6:39 pm
Ahhh… the beauty of statistically supported misunderstanding. There will be those who maintain nature’s scheme of two genders, and there are those who embrace the ever enlarging count of genders being promoted by EAKP and company. The count of those who migrate into the expanded gendersphere, which has no cultural roles assigned, are effectively just a rather Darwinian dilution removing themselves from the main population. Of course the primaries will look more intense… they’re running closer to pure.
This reminds me of my grandfather’s joke about how when all the okies moved to California it raised the average IQ of both states.