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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    March 4, 2025 @ 3:25 pm

    There was a Greek fellow, don’t recall his name, who made the very astute observation that “democracy works just fine until the people discover that they can vote their way into the treasury.” In any case, that comment is over two thousand years old, from back when Athens was the center of Weatern civilization.

    We are NOT witnessing the unraveling of America, what we are seeing is the unraveling of the systemic application of what the fellow noticed way back when, how the parasitic misuse democracy and then hide the abuse behind rhetoric and social positioning.

    Those who are genuine patriots need to be fully and acutely on their guard that America’s very legitimate anger at the abuse doesn’t cause the reforms to overshoot what is needed and produce injustice and misery in the opposite direction. Going Draconian on a reform effort just does the enemy’s dirty work for him.


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