Opinion | Two of the World’s Leading Thinkers on How the Left Went Astray
archived 18 Jan 2025 13:46:54 UTC
Source: Opinion | Two of the World’s Leading Thinkers on How the Left Went Astray – The New York Times
archived 18 Jan 2025 13:46:54 UTC
Source: Opinion | Two of the World’s Leading Thinkers on How the Left Went Astray – The New York Times
January 20, 2025 @ 11:26 am
An interesting read, an interesting exchange, and IMO pretty close to accurate on the focus issues addressed. I was particularly impressed by the fact that academics would have any concept, any inkling, of the anger and ire of being the victim of the very systemic education bias and bigotry that has dominated the public “narrative” (as they call it) for most of my lifetime.
The French fellow, the socialist, would better serve his cause if he forgot the word “redistrabution.” The semantics of that word are compromised at best and dead wrong compared to reality more often than not. Wealth IS NOT a natural resource of finite quantity to be apportioned according to some (hack-spit) “social permission” scheme, wealth is an efficient and balanced flow of human life energy… ignorance of the fact that this is where wealth accesses the emotions that cripple the socialist movement has caused A LOT of grief over the years. Where I live (some 200 miles south of the literate lady quoted in the article) the other word for redistribution is GOVERNMENT THEFT, and we maintain a fair stockpile of firepower against just that potential.
I’d love to spend an evening conversing, sparring, arguing with those two gents… it would be fun, and I might even learn something.