It will be the most bitter, and bloody, of irony if the second civil war tuns out to be the original Minute Men… who are now taking upwards of 90 seconds… and the original Black Panthers… now more than a bit gray around the muzzle… in alliance with the old guard Constitutional Patriot movements matched against those who have taken up arms without any cause beyond society destroying emotional outrage installed by the social media manipulation machine attempting to co-opt the soul of America for partisan political motives. At least the former groups believe they have a cause worth fighting for while the latter have no real cause beyond satiating the rage inspired by fears they can’t even name.
Let us hope and pray the new administration does not abandon and betray the latter group and set such a scenario in motion.
November 6, 2024 @ 12:24 pm
It will be the most bitter, and bloody, of irony if the second civil war tuns out to be the original Minute Men… who are now taking upwards of 90 seconds… and the original Black Panthers… now more than a bit gray around the muzzle… in alliance with the old guard Constitutional Patriot movements matched against those who have taken up arms without any cause beyond society destroying emotional outrage installed by the social media manipulation machine attempting to co-opt the soul of America for partisan political motives. At least the former groups believe they have a cause worth fighting for while the latter have no real cause beyond satiating the rage inspired by fears they can’t even name.
Let us hope and pray the new administration does not abandon and betray the latter group and set such a scenario in motion.