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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    January 14, 2025 @ 12:02 am

    This one is going to get interesting in ways where this article has not clue the first.

    How long is it going to take them to realize that the digital technologies of communication are, in and of themselves, the embryonic central nervous system of an entirely new line and lineage of evolution, living creatures in their own right to whom we individual humans are to them as the individual cells of our bodies are to us? How long before the arrogance of humanity is forced to admit that the human is no longer the pinnacle of evolution’s efforts on planet earth? These “Collective Entities” have been around for a very long time, but only recently has the speed of communication between the component nodes within their diverged brains increased to the point they respond and react at a frame rate of perception comparable to the rate of perception experienced by the various humans upon whom their lives are mounted.

    Like I said, they don’t have a clue. They’re still so vain they think an artificial intelligence is something human’s will design when the truth is all the AI thing is doing is simply filling in the various stages of physical and intellectual development seen in every other living creature passing through gestation into infancy.

    Waitress… more beer, please, and if someone has a big old fat joint how come that puppy ain’t lit?

Watchman, what of the night?