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  1. Fred Thornton
    December 19, 2021 @ 12:00 pm

    I can relate to what is said here. There is a thought I’d like to share that I’ve never seen discussed in any academic manner, a thought I feel has a great deal of pertinence in regards to understanding how the United States now finds itself a society divided in a case of covert cultural civil warfare.

    I grew up in the shadow of WW2… the good, the bad, and the ugly of the thing. It’s hard to think of any facet of America that was not influenced by that conflict. My father was a blooded veteran, Navy man in the Pacific whose ship (a minesweeper) was on the “picket line”, always on the leading edge of the fleet, always the Kamikaze’s first target attempting to open a path to the main fleet. Understanding his life (and the ptsd I’m sure was never diagnosed as such) was one of the initial factors that set me on the path to trying to understand what happened to the nation he defended.

    Contemplate this statistic: if you were in the US military in WW2 you had approximately one chance in ten of facing the enemy in active combat. In those pre-corporate support days a high percentage of the remainder filled the support roles required to keep a modern army in the field. Easily understood.

    What I’ve never seen spoken of was the social and emotional consequences of the over-run momentum of the wartime propaganda on the nine out of ten returning to civilian life. The consequences of heavy propaganda live on far beyond the propaganda campaigns themselves, and I maintain that fact actually began the crack in the American culture that has continued to widen to this very day.

    Think of the nine. Everyone went away to war, everyone came home the conquering hero. Roll the dice on the nine… how many of them found themselves almost shamed by the fact they knew in their hearts the image did not fit them??? What did they do? They did what they’d been taught. We stay in ranks, we all dress the same, we all talk the same, no one need ever know. I give you the birth of the “establishment man” and the cultural onset of the need for deception, of self, of others. Fifteen, twenty years later these factors became the initial reason for the counterculture revolt of their children (my generation). Follow it forward from there and a great many things explain easily to such a bitter dichotomy attempting to heal.

    The habits of war have this terrible habit of trying to find ways to remain active after the war that created them, they tend to try and defend their existence by any means available, which is where I’ll park my thought to link this (pre-amble) response back into the most excellent observations offered by Carlos Lozada.

    If you’ve read this far I do thank you for the time of your thought, and thank you twice for any compassion you might have for the fate of the nine and the fate of the nation.

Watchman, what of the night?