There is one comparison that is not being made even though to a pragmatic idealist such as myself it screams storm siren loud wanting to be heard. It is for this day and political climate perhaps the ultimate taboo thought never to be so much as intimated, much less discussed.
Let us look at the present through the eyes of the recent past, say Novemberish of 1991. Let us imagine we are sitting in a bar keeping company with a strange fellow who claims to be a time traveler.
“Let me get this straight. You’re telling me America is going to elect who as president? That’s about as likely as America electing a convicted con artist or a black man with an Arab sounding name. What universe did you say you come from?”
Yea, right. That would be our universe, our timeline. And if the American people ever actually realize how it happened, how everything psychology knows about the firmware of the human critter was used to craft subtle to fully subliminal media propaganda programming both attitude and response in that critical swing vote demographic who were made vulnerable to such things by the minions of Empire Academia’s Kingdom of Psychology operating through their occupation of the public schools? If that should happen one of two things will follow… either their current burning rage will be extinguished into third world despair, or it will become blinding bright, a magnesium fire so hot you can not extinguish until it has consumed all available fuel.
It is the latter option I, and apparently more than one person sitting positions of power, fear the most. Or, in other words? Once you’ve grabbed a tiger by the tail how do you turn loose without becoming the cat’s dinner?
The current conundrum facing the American political puppet masters puts the old 60’s saying “Burn baby, BURN!” in an entirely new light, eh?
December 5, 2024 @ 11:15 am
There is one comparison that is not being made even though to a pragmatic idealist such as myself it screams storm siren loud wanting to be heard. It is for this day and political climate perhaps the ultimate taboo thought never to be so much as intimated, much less discussed.
Let us look at the present through the eyes of the recent past, say Novemberish of 1991. Let us imagine we are sitting in a bar keeping company with a strange fellow who claims to be a time traveler.
“Let me get this straight. You’re telling me America is going to elect who as president? That’s about as likely as America electing a convicted con artist or a black man with an Arab sounding name. What universe did you say you come from?”
Yea, right. That would be our universe, our timeline. And if the American people ever actually realize how it happened, how everything psychology knows about the firmware of the human critter was used to craft subtle to fully subliminal media propaganda programming both attitude and response in that critical swing vote demographic who were made vulnerable to such things by the minions of Empire Academia’s Kingdom of Psychology operating through their occupation of the public schools? If that should happen one of two things will follow… either their current burning rage will be extinguished into third world despair, or it will become blinding bright, a magnesium fire so hot you can not extinguish until it has consumed all available fuel.
It is the latter option I, and apparently more than one person sitting positions of power, fear the most. Or, in other words? Once you’ve grabbed a tiger by the tail how do you turn loose without becoming the cat’s dinner?
The current conundrum facing the American political puppet masters puts the old 60’s saying “Burn baby, BURN!” in an entirely new light, eh?