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  1. Fred Thornton
    February 19, 2022 @ 11:25 am

    From what I’m reading here (always that disclaimer, I wasn’t there and there is no such thing as trustworthy reporting, not anymore) it looks like the Canadian Government is experiencing what might be called a “traumatic awakening.”

    In point of fact the Canadian’s are getting off easy, all things allowed for. The American’s are still shivering and convulsing trying to make sense of what happened on January 6th, which was when that reveille was sounded here in the States. The American crew were tickling at armed rebellion and coup, the worst the Canadian truckers can be accused of is throwing one giant and only slightly rude block party (compared to what they could do with those rigs if they wanted to be mean about the whole affair).

    Point and point though, such civic actions will be absolutely required if the basic disconnect and driving cause is to be understood and addressed. Consider the underlying cause of both events: the total dichotomy of representation created by the shear and schism between the urban and the rural. The rural element, at most ten to fifteen percent of the population, is in point of absolute fact providing the life support consumed by the remainder of the population… the eighty five to ninety percent who live in the urban areas.

    FACT: What is done In the urban areas may be necessary for modern civilization to continue, but very little to none of it actually contributes to the cause of modern survival. It is the rural folk who provide that.

    The truckers represent those who keep the other’s alive, they who have been for a century being steadily ever more disenfranchised by reason of their success and their efficiency… which is what allowed the urban areas to grow so large as to render them an insignificant minority (in the eyes of the politicians, the liberals in particular who think they can deceive anyone with their double-speak). These things happened for a reason, and the foundation of those reasons, the reason for the other reasons, is what is spoken of above. Until this disconnect is addressed we can only expect one of two outcomes: more of the same, or… totally tyranny at the hands of the urban liberals who will rationalize enslaving the rural folk to support their lifestyle. Most of the country folk maintain their arms in quite justified fear of the latter of those options.

    Or, to put it in country boy analogy? In Democracy it’s one vote to the head which is why the feedlot will always be better represented than the bunkhouse.

Watchman, what of the night?