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  1. Fred Thornton
    August 9, 2024 @ 9:30 am

    Wow. He said it, he did. He used the word “wisdom.”

    Another thing said was that the humanities are the studies that improve, in a moral and ethical sense, the individual. Sadly, he stopped just short of saying what I see as the obvious driving force causing the humanities to be abandoned.

    Play the enemy’s hand for him. The objective of the fauxLiberal is to homogenize humanity into one large collective easily manipulated, easily enslaved in chains of cultural convention. If that were your objective would you not attack, with every maliscious deception available to the collective, anything that promotes the strength and resilience of the ethical uindividual lest that strength be set in opposition to your intention?

    Of course you would, that’s just standard stock military thought: cut their line of supply and let them sit besieged. It will make the final assault so much easier.

Watchman, what of the night?