VP elect Vance is oft quoted as saying “We’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.”
Nothing stings worse than the truth. That said, that it IS a truth is solid proof of problems that very much need addressed if our society is to survive.
@Jill Filipovic… quite by accident I’m sure you did a fine job of defining one of the most massive and intractable of those problems facing our society. It is a totally genderless thing that is totally based on how society deals with the subject of sex and gender roles. At several points in the article Jill speaks of married couples as if their status as married somehow changes the innate nature of the people involved in that union!
Nothing could be further from the truth. What has Jill, and JD, and a great many others of any stripe you like on the rainbow flag confused is this fact I NEVER see mentioned in such debates: to be married is not at all the same thing as being life-mated! The former is a (hack-spit) social thing while the latter is a matter of satisfying the third primal instinct of all mortal life… procreation!
Until that difference is fully and publicly acknowledged by the talking bauble-heads, the Academics and fans of the feline alike, until it becomes the prime dividing discriminant the players in such debates will never, can never, have any success with any campaign of social justice.
To condense the thought? Had the title of this article read “…between SINGLE women and SINGLE men…” I would have had little to comment on beyond complementing Jill on a job well done.
November 10, 2024 @ 11:55 am
VP elect Vance is oft quoted as saying “We’re effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made.”
Nothing stings worse than the truth. That said, that it IS a truth is solid proof of problems that very much need addressed if our society is to survive.
@Jill Filipovic… quite by accident I’m sure you did a fine job of defining one of the most massive and intractable of those problems facing our society. It is a totally genderless thing that is totally based on how society deals with the subject of sex and gender roles. At several points in the article Jill speaks of married couples as if their status as married somehow changes the innate nature of the people involved in that union!
Nothing could be further from the truth. What has Jill, and JD, and a great many others of any stripe you like on the rainbow flag confused is this fact I NEVER see mentioned in such debates: to be married is not at all the same thing as being life-mated! The former is a (hack-spit) social thing while the latter is a matter of satisfying the third primal instinct of all mortal life… procreation!
Until that difference is fully and publicly acknowledged by the talking bauble-heads, the Academics and fans of the feline alike, until it becomes the prime dividing discriminant the players in such debates will never, can never, have any success with any campaign of social justice.
To condense the thought? Had the title of this article read “…between SINGLE women and SINGLE men…” I would have had little to comment on beyond complementing Jill on a job well done.