There Is A Double Standard Regarding Sex Work And Marriage
“The double standards need to be eliminated.”
Source: There Is A Double Standard Regarding Sex Work And Marriage | HuffPost HuffPost Personal
“The double standards need to be eliminated.”
Source: There Is A Double Standard Regarding Sex Work And Marriage | HuffPost HuffPost Personal
November 7, 2024 @ 10:49 am
I’ve read so many versions of this sadness over the years, and what stands out in memory is that no one seems willing to challenge one of the largest of the social semantic programmings (to conflate a name onto the force involved) that perpetuates the whole mess.
This one is actually a girl thing, a mother thing, and by rights it should be in the domain of the genuine feminists to challenge it.
Fact: to be male is an accident of birth, to be a man is a deliberate choice, but to be a GENTLEMAN is an act of will to defeat and disable the egocentric insecurities caused by the more opportunistic and manipulative elements of society empowering the animalistic rutting instincts while simultaneously condemning the behaviors associated.
Why would society do that you ask? To set a substrate of manipulable hypocrisy beneath the lives of its inmates, that’s why. By way of example, and you can take my word on this one: more preachers are hired to keep sin interesting enough to be profitable than were ever called to teach the thought of God.