Ah, yes. The anti-vax movement. Dangerous, but not without rational cause particularly where Covid is concerned.
I’m not sure calling mrna technology a vaccine would pass a full legal examination under existing truthi n advertising laws. It would be a dicey gamble at best. Equally, I’m not sure that anyone so “vaccinated” would not technically become a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) under strict scientific rules.
Reasoning? It is fact those “vaccinated” against Covid were not injected with any form of the pathogen to train their immune systems, but rather with a known, indeed designed, mutagenic chemical compound intended to reprogram the effected cells into manufacturing a protein structure the remainder of the cells recognise as alien and therefore attack, a protien structure incorporated within the pathogen but possibly not unique to the pathogen.
By every definition of the word vaccine since its’ first usage that is NOT a vaccine. That is a horse of a totally different color and very, very problematic.
Science does not have more than a fractional knowledge of the immense multitude of interconnected factors that determine the ultimate state of someone’s health. The possibility of such technology in widespread use producing some “zombie appocolypse” by simple human error is, IMO, an unnaceptable risk.
And that’s before you even engage with the thought of conspiracy in the mix. Given the current scientific advances in the field of psychiatry considered in the context of the current political advances of those (yes, please do read fauxLiberal) who believe any mode of thought not conforming to their agenda should be considered a disease to be forcibly medicated and the potentials for such technology to be used to produce a distopian tyranny beyond Orwells darkest nightmare rear up like mount Kilimanjaro. No. An even more unacceptable risk.
So, distilled to essence? Mock all you want Mr. Balko, but as far as I’m concerned anyone coming at me with a needle full of anything mrna based will be considered in the same category of critter as any other thug swinging a switchblade and I will defend myself with any degree of force available, preferably something chambered in .44 or .45 caliber. If the bug kills me so be it, but the bug is by far the lesser risk compared to what you’re promoting.
July 31, 2024 @ 10:51 am
Ah, yes. The anti-vax movement. Dangerous, but not without rational cause particularly where Covid is concerned.
I’m not sure calling mrna technology a vaccine would pass a full legal examination under existing truthi n advertising laws. It would be a dicey gamble at best. Equally, I’m not sure that anyone so “vaccinated” would not technically become a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) under strict scientific rules.
Reasoning? It is fact those “vaccinated” against Covid were not injected with any form of the pathogen to train their immune systems, but rather with a known, indeed designed, mutagenic chemical compound intended to reprogram the effected cells into manufacturing a protein structure the remainder of the cells recognise as alien and therefore attack, a protien structure incorporated within the pathogen but possibly not unique to the pathogen.
By every definition of the word vaccine since its’ first usage that is NOT a vaccine. That is a horse of a totally different color and very, very problematic.
Science does not have more than a fractional knowledge of the immense multitude of interconnected factors that determine the ultimate state of someone’s health. The possibility of such technology in widespread use producing some “zombie appocolypse” by simple human error is, IMO, an unnaceptable risk.
And that’s before you even engage with the thought of conspiracy in the mix. Given the current scientific advances in the field of psychiatry considered in the context of the current political advances of those (yes, please do read fauxLiberal) who believe any mode of thought not conforming to their agenda should be considered a disease to be forcibly medicated and the potentials for such technology to be used to produce a distopian tyranny beyond Orwells darkest nightmare rear up like mount Kilimanjaro. No. An even more unacceptable risk.
So, distilled to essence? Mock all you want Mr. Balko, but as far as I’m concerned anyone coming at me with a needle full of anything mrna based will be considered in the same category of critter as any other thug swinging a switchblade and I will defend myself with any degree of force available, preferably something chambered in .44 or .45 caliber. If the bug kills me so be it, but the bug is by far the lesser risk compared to what you’re promoting.