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  1. Fred Thornton
    November 26, 2022 @ 12:41 pm

    Ok, no real argument with the assertion. But is it really “the media”, or would justice be better served by examining the other major social functions that have an impact on Democracy?

    For example, surely I’m not the only one who has noticed that partisan political loyalty behaves a whole lot like brand loyalty at the supermarket? You know, where you can get pretty much the same thing from three different brands and the only difference is the color of the can? So in this context The Question becomes why, when this comparison is so blazingly obvious, has no one bothered to ask what would happen if the common element (between partisan loyalty and brand loyalty) got kicked out of the equation? What would Democracy look like if, just for whoops and grins, we ejected all of the professional liars found in marketing and advertising out of the campaign game? What if… what if… the CANDIDATE had to sell him or her self to the American voter? No dirty tricks, just the meat of the matter?

    The answer is of course that we’re not likely to know an answer to that question. The dishonorable industries of influence and manipulation, also known as Advertising and Marketing, isn’t likely to voluntarily give up such a lucrative market as political advertising, not without a serious fight. And beyond that, those industries are where the majority of those trained by Empire Academia’s Kingdom of Psychology find employment, one way or another. THEY (the Empire) would be instantly opposed to any effort to allow the electorate an… how should I put this? I can’t say “free” or “uncontrolled”, that would be politically incorrect… yea, that will work… unguided choice. Would seriously undermine THEIR campaign to take over where religion leaves off.

    Oh, well. Welcome to America. Rest in peace, George Carlin.

Watchman, what of the night?