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1 Comment

  1. Fred Thornton
    January 1, 2024 @ 12:26 pm

    An interesting article, from several quite different perspectives. From the high IQ brain game offered at the top of today’s page to a ‘redneck’ with a poli-sci PhD who knows how to turn a wrench… quite a spread. America needs more PhD’s who know how to turn a wrench or, (to dip into the fauxLiberals most favorite hated work of fiction, “Atlas Shrugged”) how to cook a good hamburger in a roadside diner as an expression of the philosophy of competence in craft as a foundation value anchoring the more exotic intellectual excursions to reality.

    Anyway, may the good folks at Mitchells and AllData etc et all grant the guys unlimited access to their databases, may Snap-On… mighty among the Gods of automotive tech… provide them with their awesome state of the art scanner as an advertiser unit (so the guys can diagnose more than just hard part failures) and most importantly… just as fair warning to those PhD’s who truly believe it should take a Masters degree to change a water pump… may the crossed wrenches and rifles of the “Right to Repair” movement be forever emblazoned behind the rattlesnake on the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag.

    We can talk about mechanics and toxic masculinity some other time.

Watchman, what of the night?