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  1. Fred Thornton
    July 3, 2024 @ 12:56 pm

    A fine thinker of an article with deep implications for society, I’ll read it again after the first pass has had time to soak in and process.

    First impression? The imbalance looks to me to have been caused by a very low level difference to be seen in the judgment parameters and thought processes that define “liberal” and “conservative” in the first place. Respectively, those whose native habit is to first assign causality to some intelligence, a matter of some opinion, a matter of “who” while the other half of humanity tends to look first to some explanation based more in “how” something happened, demoting “who” to a secondary or supporting status.

    To be a member of the very limited demographic of “professor” in the humanities is very much a matter of social acceptance, a matter of cultivated to compatible opinion. No surprise, really, that you’ll fintd a much higher percentage of “liberals” there, the environment fits their native thought pattern.

    Offered blind: dime bet buys you a dollar there is a much, much higher percentage of conservative profs among the engineers and architects where the prime focus will be matters of how and what and why found in objective reality rather than subjective society, the things that are absolutely the same for anyone and everyone who engages with them (my turf).

Watchman, what of the night?