Why do so many people ignore major threats like climate change?
It’s an inherent struggle to get people to take climate change seriously. Psychologists explain why
Source: Why do so many people ignore major threats like climate change? | Salon.com
December 11, 2024 @ 6:39 pm
I have scant, very scant, sympathy for this one. This problem, and problem it is, lays square at the feet of Empire Academia by way of one of the deepest precepts of that culture: IF you don’t have a degree in/on the subject THEN (hear what follows in that nasal whine of social intimidation) how do you ignorant little minion we declare you to be think you have the right to even think about this, much less speak to the subject?
What is needed is a flood of pragmatic creativity, what we’ve got is the same old political fauxLiberal fear tactics we’ve always had. I’ll throw my nickel down on the square that says those the article is complaining about are primarily those who acquiessed to the academic intimidation mentioned above, which leaves it to we rebels and runners to think far enough outside the box to provide a workable solution that won’t leave most folks living in the cold and the dark like we were a thousand years ago. And yes, I am working on it. Personally. But don’t bother trying to hack my digital life trying to figure out how, nothing involved in that effort is connected to any tentacle of the internet.