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  1. Fred Thornton
    April 20, 2022 @ 12:32 am

    The saying goes that many a true word is spoken in jest. Equally, and most likely from the same source, is the truism that the very best of lies are told using the absolute truth… told from a perspective for which the recipient of said lie has no frame of reference.

    The election was stolen from Donald Trump… but well before the polls ever opened, and by the same thief that stole the 2016 election that put him in office in the first place.

    What the interviewees were talking about… “it doesn’t smell right”… “I can’t put my finger one it, but it’s wrong”… is the impact of powerful and effective forms of subliminal propaganda that have over the past twenty some years become the deciding factor mandating how an ever expanding percentage of the American electorate will vote. The system was built by the fauxLiberal to render Democracy a meaningless façade in their quest for a totally collectivist society. They set up and initiated the preparatory indoctrination in the public schools to enforce compliance with the later campaigns waged via digital communication technology.

    Of course, once the system was established, up and running, it was promptly hijacked by other power players who understood that system and how to use it to manipulate any result desired. Doubt that claim? Look again at all the nonsense hoopla going down around who has control of the social media which is the active agent of said manipulations.

    So, with that said I’ll support Donald’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen… when HE will publicly admit that those who supported his run in 2016 stole THAT election for him… and for reasons totally all their own.

Watchman, what of the night?