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The Best in Science News and Amazing Breakthroughs

1-1 minutes

Earth's crystallized iron inner core could be lopsided, study suggests

An unusual explanation for an old mystery.

Here's how much land we need to rewild in the next 10 years to save the planet

Get vaccinated in the morning?

Shock discovery suggests humans were in the Americas 20,000 years earlier than thought

Only 24 have been confirmed to date.

California's wildfire smoke was shockingly thick as it spread across the globe

"We have never seen this before."

Puppies are born ready to socialize with humans, science shows

Sharks Were Almost Wiped Out 19 Million Years Ago, And They Never Recovered

'Dead zones' have been haunting the ocean for longer than anyone ever knew

China's advanced 'artificial sun' fusion reactor just broke a new world record

In Surprise Discovery, Astronomers Find Huge Star Cluster in Our Cosmic Backyard

Oxygen is rapidly running low in Earth's lakes. Here's why this means trouble

We haven't seen anything like it since.

We're going back to Venus! NASA announces two new missions by 2030