
Fascinating Photos Collected From History - Caveman Circus

4-5 minutes 10/15/2021

Ty Cobb sliding into home, 1920

Welsh coal miners having a round after their shift. c.1912

Guns and knives associated with Lincoln’s assassination and stabbing of Major Rathbone, the President’s bodyguard, including the the bullet dug from Lincoln’s head. The boot belonged to Booth at the time of the assassination and other weapons were taken from members of a gang associated with Booth

Chamberlain, Daladier, Hitler, Mussolini, and Ciano pictured just before signing the Munich Agreement, 29 September 1938

Daladier is the only one of the five to be alive 7 years from the picture. He spent part of the war in Buchenwald and other camps, but survived the war and lived another 25 years after it ended.

Chamberlain died of cancer about two years after this picture.

Ciano, Mussolini’s son-in-law, never liked Hitler (not that he was really a good guy himself). Once Italy was essentially defeated in 1943, he voted with others to get rid of Mussolini. When Hitler reinstated Mussolini as even more of a German puppet than before, he pressured him to arrest, and then execute his SIL in Jan 1944.

Albert Einstein lecturing on the Theory of Relativity, 1922

Woman cutting her birthday cake in Iran 1973, 5 years before the Islamic Revolution

Women’s detachment of the Red Army, Russian Civil War, 1919

Father and son from the same German regiment read a letter from their respective wife and mother at the front, 1915

Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, with her son Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (right), and Tsar Nicholas II of Russia (left). Seated on the left is Alexandra, Tsarina of Russia, holding her baby daughter Grand Duchess Olga. 1896

Rosa Parks sits at the front of a bus following the end of racial segregation by the transit company, circa 1965

Navajo riders on horseback, Canyon de Chelly. taken by Edward S. Curtis in 1904

Swimsuits being measured for decency; Venice Beach CA, 1929

A school teacher lashing a boy student over a desk, Menomonie, Wisconsin, 1905.

Teenagers dressed for a high school dance in the 1920s.

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery signs the surrender of German forces in the Netherlands, in northwest Germany and Denmark – 4th May 1945

After lunch, Field Marshal Montgomery called the Germans back for further consultation, and there he delivered his ultimatum …

He told the Germans: “You must understand three things: Firstly, you must surrender to me unconditionally all the German forces in Holland, Friesen and the Frisian Islands and Helgoland and all other islands in Schleswig-Holstein and in Denmark. Secondly, when you have done that, I am prepared to discuss with you the implications of your surrender: how we will dispose of those surrendered troops, how we will occupy the surrendered territory, how we will deal with the civilians, and so forth. And my third point: If you do not agree to Point 1, the surrender, then I will go on with the war and I will be delighted to do so.” Monty added, as an after-thought, “All your soldiers and civilians may be killed.”

The Ovitz family, 1950. They are the only family that survived in Auschwitz, where doctor Mengele did experiments on them.

A sixteen-year-old Arnold Schwarzenegger at his first body-building competition.

A woman disguised as a war refugee is exposed as a Gestapo Informer. Dessau, Germany, 1945.

Gilbert’s Surgical Amphitheater, Medical Class and Staff, 1910

Secret Service agents walk on both sides of President Theodore Roosevelt’s carriage during his inauguration on March 4, 1905