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Study Time!


Wash your hands: Diarrhea-causing bacteria C.diff is ‘everywhere’

Clostridium difficile (C.diff) is a form of bacteria which causes severe diarrhea and colon inflammation. Unsettlingly, researchers from the University of Houston report it is “everywhere” in non-healthcare settings in the United States and all over the globe.

Living on a busy road is bad for your heart

Living on a busy road could trigger heart failure, especially among women, a new study warns. A team with the American Heart Association finds that traffic and noise pollution weaken the organ, reducing its blood-pumping power.

Having a sense of purpose linked to better memory

Finding purpose in life certainly isn’t easy. There are endless roads an individual can choose to walk, but only a select few will prove worth traveling. Just in case you needed an extra reason to prioritize purpose, researchers from Florida State University find a link between an individual’s sense of purpose and their memory.

For cancer patients, a powerful tumor-fighting weapon is available for free: Exercise

Exercise may hold the key to fighting off cancerous tumors in the body, according to a breakthrough study. Researchers from Edith Cowan University say breaking a sweat doesn’t just improve health overall, it releases a secret weapon which slows down the disease.

Scientists discover the reason why women feel colder than men

Men and women have plenty of things they disagree on — and that often includes the climate. Researchers say the perception that women often feel colder than men is more than just myth — it may be an evolutionary fact.

Revolutionary hydrogel tablet can purify a liter of river water in an hour

Clean drinking water isn’t available to as much as a third of the global population. Even worse, estimates show that by 2025 half of the human population may be living in “water-stressed” areas.

Fire and brimstone: Sodom and Gomorrah perhaps destroyed by ‘cosmic fireball,’ evidence shows

“All the observations stated in Genesis are consistent with a cosmic fireball. But there is no scientific proof this destroyed city is indeed the Sodom of the Old Testament,“ says professor James Kennett of University of California at Santa Barbara.

‘Class clowns’ may also be the most intelligent students

Every class has a few students who just can’t help but crack jokes at every opportunity. While many may look at “class clowns” as immature and attention-seeking, a new study suggests strong humor skills during adolescence may be a sign of high intelligence.

Mild COVID-19 infections leave long-lasting symptoms up to 8 months

Around 10 percent of patients with a mild COVID-19 infection still suffer at least one moderate to severe symptom eight months later, according to a recent study.

Fur-ever love: 3 in 5 people consider their pet a ‘soulmate’

Would you risk your life for your fur baby? A new survey reveals that three in five Americans would willingly run into a burning building to save their pet. The poll of 2,000 cat and dog owners also shows that 81 percent wouldn’t think twice before saving their pet from immediate danger.

Screen time linked to higher risk of nearsightedness in young people

Researchers from Anglia Ruskin University find an association between screen time and a higher risk and severity of myopia (nearsightedness) in both children and young adults.

Are Spotify playlists biased and costing artists money?

Spotify playlists can help a musician rise to superstardom, but are they simply ranking these artists by their talent or something else? A new study finds certain Spotify playlists show bias towards select performers, raising their status higher than other metrics say they should be.

COVID-19 reinfection likely for the unvaccinated

Since the beginning of the pandemic scientists, doctors, and everyone in between has wondered how long robust immunity persists following recovery from a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Now, researchers from Yale University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte have some deflating news.

Sibling bullying linked to poor mental health years later

Most people who grew up with brothers or sisters knows sibling relationships aren’t always picture perfect. A sibling can be your best friend one minute, and your worst enemy the next.

1 in 3 Americans say they’re open to abolishing or limiting the Supreme Court

A surprisingly significant portion of Americans would like to see the Supreme Court become the “Subordinate Court,” according to new research.

Constipation drug prucalopride could boost memory

A drug for treating constipation could also help boost memory, a new study reveals. Prucalopride, also known as Resolor, typically treats digestive problems. Researchers believe it may also tackle cognition impairments due by psychiatric disorders like major depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.

Got gas? Poor mental health may be the reason you’re breaking wind

Survey reveals that nearly 9 in 10 adults battle gas symptoms on a daily basis, with flatulence by far being the most common issue.

Having deep conversations with strangers can improve your well-being

Engaging in deep conversation with strangers instead of sticking to small talk improves our well-being, according to a new study.

4 in 5 college students have trouble concentrating after switching to remote learning

College students have a lot on their plates. Many are more than just students, they’re workers, caregivers, and even parents. Now, a new study reveals the switch to remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic has made earning a college degree even harder.

When ya gotta go: Older men admit peeing in soda bottles, shoes if they can’t hold it

Answering nature’s call is an integral part of daily health, but one-third of men over 60 have at least three “close calls” a week. It turns out that urination problems are fairly common for many older men, research shows.

Eating foods rich in iron could prevent heart disease

Eating iron-rich foods could stave off heart problems, according to new research. Scientists say iron deficiency during middle-age increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by nearly 25 percent. Eating foods rich in the vital nutrient could prevent one in ten cases of the world’s number one killer.

Climate change is actually making Earth dimmer

Climate change may be making day to day life hotter (and possibly sunnier), but a new study reveals it’s also making Earth a darker planet.

Prehistoric peacock? Scientists discover ‘pintailed’ bird that lived alongside dinosaurs

Scientists have discovered a prehistoric “peacock” that evolved a large tail for mating purposes rather than flight and lived alongside the dinosaurs.

The higher your BMI, the greater your risk of developing cancer

More body fat dramatically raises the risk of cancers of the digestive system, warn scientists. The likelihood of a tumor developing in the stomach or liver soars by 13 percent for every additional unit of body mass index (BMI), according to new findings.

Aspirin may help COVID patients avoid ventilator, lowers risk of death

With the rise in COVID-19 cases, many may be able to prevent severe infection and potential death by taking low dose aspirin.

Living the dream: 7 in 10 Americans ‘love’ their job

America’s “Great Resignation” owes its genesis to a number of underlying causes — but a new study suggests that job satisfaction may not be one of them.

Elephant calves benefit most from having big sisters

Elephants benefit from having older siblings, especially sisters, new researcher reveals. Researchers studying semi-captive Asian elephants in Myanmar have found that calves benefit from having older sisters more than from having older brothers.

‘Creative destruction’: Today’s snakes trace back to a few survivors of the asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs

All living snakes evolved from a few survivors of the giant asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs, according to a new study. Researchers say that the devastating impact that killed off most of life on Earth was a form of “creative destruction” that allowed snakes to thrive and diversify into new species.

DIY disaster! It takes 5 hours of home improvement failures before people call for help

Are you having trouble recreating all the home improvement projects you see on Pinterest? You’re not alone. A new survey of 2,000 Americans finds four in 10 people have more DIY failures than they do successes.

Helpful ‘life hacks’ save 4 hours of work every week, especially for parents

Ever pick up a time-saving “life hack” from an online video? Today might be a good day to start — new research suggests that those little tips and tricks save Americans almost four hours of effort each week.