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What Causes Overthinking—And 6 Ways To Stop

Mara Santilli 6-7 minutes 1/11/2022

It might feel like you’re the only one lying awake at night, dwelling on a decision you made earlier that day or worrying about tomorrow’s to-do list. But you’re not alone—research suggests 73% of 25- to 35-year-olds chronically overthink, along with 52% of people ages 45 to 55.

In many cases, overthinking could show up as rumination, which often involves perseverating on events of the past and even the present with a negative mindset. Whether your tendency of overthinking takes you into the past or focuses on the future, there are positive ways to reframe your thoughts and stress less.

Read on to understand why you might be overthinking—and how to stop.

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While overthinking itself is not a mental illness, it is associated with conditions including depression, anxiety, eating disorders and substance use disorders. Rumination can be common in people who have chronic pain and chronic illness as well, taking the form of negative thoughts about that pain and healing from it.

Sometimes worry and rumination may trick the brain into associating itself with something beneficial or productive, explains Natalie Dattilo, Ph.D, a clinical health psychologist in Boston and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “Take worry, for example, which is a hallmark feature of generalized anxiety disorder,” says Dattilo. Some people may have the impression that worrying shows that they care about something or prepares them for the worst outcome, so it can easily become a habit—albeit one you can (and should) break.

How to Stop Overthinking

If you’re prone to overthinking, try the following strategies the next time you find yourself slipping down the slope of rumination.

Accept or Deny Your Thoughts

The brain is constantly churning out all kinds of thoughts. “But thinking is a two-way street,” says Dattilo. “While the brain may offer numerous or near-constant ‘thought suggestions,’ it’s ultimately up to us to decide if we accept them.”

You don’t have to take every alarming thought that pops into your head as truth. In fact, you can use those overthinking moments to question and fact check what’s true, so the worried thought doesn’t have as much power over you.

Retrain Your Brain

“When the brain is ‘at rest,’ the areas that light up are the problem solving areas and areas associated with self-referential thinking. So, when left to its own devices, the brain will overthink,” says Dattilo. That means you have to train your brain to do otherwise—particularly if you’re overthinking at certain times, like before bed. It’s possible to reprogram that habit with other mind-clearing activities instead, she adds.


Attention training is a meditation technique that can benefit people with anxiety and depression. The easiest way to practice it is to focus on something completely mundane and routine, such as washing dishes or folding laundry. “You simply direct your attention to the task in a way that may even feel hyper-focused and ‘zero in’ on observing yourself and any sensations that arise,” advises Dattilo. That laser focus can help quiet other intrusive thoughts in your head.

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

You can also practice mindfulness in a more traditional sense, with grounding body scans. Dattilo recommends placing any thoughts you’re having on the back burner and focusing on your body. “Close your eyes and try to feel your heartbeat from the inside, clasp your hands and squeeze them tight or put both feet on the floor and try to feel each point of contact,” she says. Other ways to connect with your body include moving to music or hitting the gym.

Do a Brain Dump

Journaling is a helpful way to get your thoughts out of your head so they’re not overwhelming you as much. Or, you could always jot down a to-do list. “Making a list or plan is more action-oriented, and that can calm our ruminating brain a bit, too,” says Dattilo. You can do it anywhere, from a piece of paper to your notes app on your phone.

Immerse Yourself in Nature

No matter where you’re located, fresh air can do your mind plenty of good. If you’re able to get out in nature, even better. Studies show taking a 90-minute walk in a nature-filled environment can decrease one’s inclination toward rumination. This response mostly has to do with the lack of noise and distractions in natural settings, as well as the ability for some people to quell their negative thoughts and appreciate something larger than themselves in their surroundings.

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When to See a Doctor

Overthinking can be more pervasive for some people than others. “If your thoughts are intrusive or highly distressing, or your tendency to ruminate is interfering with your ability to function, I recommend seeking the assistance of a mental health professional,” says Dattilo. Therapy can help distinguish which worries are productive or unproductive. Also, if you’re struggling with thoughts of self-harm of any kind, contact your doctor or therapist immediately, she adds.

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