
How To Become Positive And Enjoy Life - Gil Mahesh - Medium

Gil Mahesh 3-4 minutes 4/15/2022

There are people who just shine with positivity. They are usually doing well, and this is noted by others.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

But there are other cases when a person does not enjoy life, is not positive, and everything is unimportant to him. There are some simple tips to help you overcome this and change your life. Those who do not think positively will benefit from knowing them.

Love yourself!

This advice is often heard. However, doing this is not as easy as it might seem. Great work on myself. The difficulty is that our self-love is fueled by feedback. Even experiments on this topic have been carried out many times, and they proved this statement. Example: 9 out of 10 people expressed a lot of praise for the girl, and only one responded badly.

She immediately forgot all the good things she was told and focused on one bad subjective assessment. The fact is that if there is something bad among the good, then our brain focuses on it. And this fact can undermine self-love. What to do? Just to understand that it is impossible to please everyone and that there are no perfect people. You need to love yourself with all your shortcomings and features. Every person is unique!

Take care of yourself!

Sometimes the desire to always be serious and “keep up the mark” causes overstrain and, ultimately, stress. And you just need to be simpler, not seem like a saint, have normal self-esteem, so that you can laugh at yourself if something happens.

Don’t complain!

Yes, there are times when it is necessary to cry in a vest. The accumulation of negativity and feelings inside can lead to an emotional breakdown. But it’s about the habit of complaining and whining when it becomes a way of drawing attention to yourself. A constantly crying and aching person prevents himself from enjoying life and spoils those around him. So get rid of this habit.

How to stop complaining? Just understand that it is always good and bad in life. And when bad things happen, immediately remember all the best. And the desire to complain will probably disappear.

Take responsibility for your life!

No one else is responsible for our lives. Feel such responsibility, the power of the actions that you perform. Think about how much in this life depends on you and your actions. But taking on something that does not depend on you is not worth it. On the contrary, it leads to stress.

Focus on the good!

The ability not to dwell on the bad is a great gift that you can cultivate in yourself. The problem is that life events that go beyond the ordinary are remembered, which are far from always good. But this is the task: from the chain of unpleasant phenomena, it is necessary to single out pleasant ones and focus on them.

Even if everything goes wrong, imagine that this chain of events is bad, but there were moments that pleased, and it is worth remembering them and forgetting everything else. If you can’t do it yourself, and the focus of attention goes in the wrong direction, then you should stop exercising violence against your own personality and turn to a psychologist for help.