The most boring ‘person’ in the world actually identified by scientists

The world’s most boring person may be the same person who handles all your finances! A new study examining the “science of boredom” has ranked the jobs, characteristics, and hobbies that people consider the dullest in society.

Male infertility cure? Scientists 3D print testicular cells that can make sperm

A male infertility cure may be on the horizon after scientists successfully 3D print human testicular cells. Researchers from the University of British Columbia say these new cells show promising early signs of being able to produce sperm — giving men back their ability to father children.

Close your curtains! Even a little bit of light while you sleep can harm your heart

Closing your curtains won’t just give you more privacy at night, a new study finds it can also protect your heart while you sleep! Researchers from Northwestern University found that even a small amount of light exposure while sleeping increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Scientists create RNA which evolves — possibly revealing the origins of life

Where does life come from? It’s one of the most enduring questions in human history. Now, a new study may have finally found evidence pointing to the true origins of life on Earth.

Spraying gold particles on the heart may help cure cardiovascular disease, study reveals

Having a “heart of gold” may literally be the ticket to a longer life. Researchers at the University of Ottawa have created a gold spray which can repair a damaged heart and may one day help treat cases of cardiovascular disease.

Here’s how sanctions on Russia impact the world — and may benefit the U.S.

Sanctions on Russia don’t just affect Vladimir Putin’s country — they have a ripple effect throughout the world. With many Western nations ramping up the penalties for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a team at the Complexity Science Hub Vienna examined how economic sanctions play out on the world stage.

Feel like giving up? Study finds mindfulness meditation helps with achieving personal goals

Whether you’re battling burnout or feeling overwhelmed by a challenging project at work, the thought of giving up has probably crossed your mind once or twice. But a new study from Poland suggests when you’re in a crisis and questioning your goals, it’s helpful to cope with the situation with a bit of mindfulness meditation.

If standing raises your blood pressure, it could be a red flag for a heart attack

Standing up and moving around may be good suggestions to keep you active, but if just getting to your feet sends your blood pressure soaring, you may be at risk for a heart attack.

Protein in tick saliva emerges as possible treatment for chronic pain, severe itching

Ticks are one of the most feared bugs among humans, but they may provide some good after all. A new drug derived from the saliva of the disease-causing arachnids could potentially ease itching and chronic pain in humans.

For the best sleep, survey finds you should get to bed by 9:39 p.m.

It’s official: the best sleep comes from huddling under a cozy blanket in a quiet, cool room. That’s according to a new survey of 2,000 Americans that found just two in five would rate their quality of sleep as “excellent” (41%).

Star-struck: James Webb Telescope sends back highest resolution images from space ever

The James Webb Space Telescope’s stunning pictures of a distant star are now the “highest resolution infrared images taken from space ever,” according to scientists at NASA.

These 3 simple questions can change way you handle finances, help you save more

Does your money quickly disappear right after payday, or do you carefully account for every last penny? A new study finds that how people think about their money impacts how they spend it. However, answering three simple questions can change the way you handle your finances and even help you save more money.

Doctors: Man’s tongue becomes black, hairy after suffering stroke

A patient in India developed a stunning side-effect after a stroke — essentially growing hair on his tongue. According to a report in JAMA Dermatology, the man in his 50s suffered a stroke just under three months before visiting the dermatology department with a thick, black coating over the top of his tongue.

7 in 10 long COVID patients still battle memory and concentration problems

The vast majority of people dealing with “long COVID” are experiencing memory and concentration problems — months after their actual coronavirus infection, a new study warns.

Cocoa extract shows promise at cutting risk of death from heart disease

Could chowing down on chocolate be the key to stopping heart disease? Not exactly, but a new study finds a key extract in cocoa does significantly reduce the chances of dying from cardiovascular problems.

Sharks sleep? Scientists find ocean predators take naps with their eyes open!

If you think ferocious sharks are always on the hunt for food, think again. It turns out these predators love to grab a nap when there’s nothing going on. However, researchers say some of these sharks actually sleep with their eyes wide open!

Growing up near green spaces lowers risk of harmful aging, disease — even without exercise

Is simply living near green leaves and grass enough to make you healthier? A new study reveals children who visit or live near green spaces suffer from less cellular stress that can cause harmful aging and disease.

Smart devices are watching you everywhere and violating your privacy, computer scientists warn

Do you ever get the creepy feeling you’re being watched? According to two computer scientists, you’re probably right, only it’s not someone watching you, it’s something — and that thing is smart technology.