
A Visit To The Airport by Marie A. Rebelle |

Marie A. Rebelle 4-5 minutes 8/4/2022

photo: SexArt


She locked eyes with him, enjoying him watching her lust

They sat on a wooden bench in the farthest corner of the outside panorama terrace of the international airport, enjoying the warmth of the summer sun, and the moment of quiet away from other visitors and passengers.

Directly in front of them was a big Boeing Airbus, the passenger boarding bridge already in place, but several people still scurrying around on the tarmac with pipes and carts and some unidentifiable objects. Apparently, preparations to fly out to a far destination were well underway.

She followed the movements of the people way below her, watching them work, while also noticing her husband’s hand on her knee.

His fingers walked in one place, pulling her long skirt up, bundling the fabric in his hand. He didn’t stop until her skirt was way up, her knees and upper thighs exposed to the warm rays of the sun. The fabric of the skirt now rested just above her crotch.

Instant wetness flooded her exposed pussy, and horny feelings took hold of her. She barely cared whether anyone could see them.

She wanted this.

Her husband didn’t have to tell her to spread her legs. They parted without invitation.

The sun on her inner thighs and her husband’s finger slipping between her labia sent a thrill through her body.

That minor part of her that did actually care whether someone saw them made her keep her eyes open while she surrendered to her husband’s fingers. She heard the squelch of her wetness, sighed as his finger slipped inside, and felt him using her wetness to lubricate her clitoris.

Glancing sideways, she was glad there were no people close to them. Turning her head a bit more, she noticed some people further back. They all watched a huge plane being pushed backwards, ready to go to the runway to take off.

It was when she turned her head back that she saw him.

Right in front of her.

The muscles in her legs vibrated as instinct wanted her to cover up.

Instead, she fixed her eyes on the front window of the Boeing. Inside the cockpit — she couldn’t help smiling at that word — she saw a man moving about.

The pilot?

From where she sat, his clothes looked to be those of a pilot. He looked straight at her, watching them. She smiled, and he smiled back. Her husband saw him too, gave a thumbs-up to the watching man, and told her to spread her legs wider.

The three of them now was her world.

She allowed all the feelings inside her, all the sensations her husband’s fingers evoked to take her on this journey.

And… she enjoyed.

Her facial expression was that of a woman who had given in to the lust. She locked eyes with the pilot, not wanting him to divert his eyes.

Instinctively, she pulled down her low cut shirt to expose a breast, cupping it for the stranger to see. His broad smile sent shivers through her body. The urgent motions of her husband’s fingers allowed her orgasm to escape from her body far too soon.

But just in time.

Someone appeared in the cockpit behind the pilot, and the couple heard voices approaching them. Her husband pushed her skirt down gently and it fell back in place, covering most of her legs.

She glanced at the pilot once more. He smiled back at her, mouthing thank you, and then disappeared.

She sighed and leaned against the back of the bench, in awe that her fantasy to be watched by a stranger had been fulfilled so unexpectedly.

“How did you know?” she asked her husband, knowing he would understand her question.

“I read your blog,” he smiled, and kissed her.

Photo by Oskar Kadaksoo on Unsplash