Here’s why being active in your community is key to preventing dementia

The key to a healthy brain into old age might just hinge on how active you are in your community. It turns out the more social leisure activities you do — from joining a local club or playing sports, to volunteering or participating in a religious group — the more likely you’ll avoid dementia.

Use paper towels! Shocking video shows how much bacteria is lurking inside electric hand dryers

A recent video shows the shocking amount of bacteria hiding inside hand dryers — suggesting that air-drying or just using paper towels could be more hygienic.

New ‘polypill’ combines aspirin and statins to save more people after a heart attack

A new pill that combines several medications can significantly cut the risk of death after a heart attack, new research reveals. Scientists at The Mount Sinai Hospital say this one “polypill” could replace all the prescription drugs patients normally have to take after a cardiac event.

Love and secrets: Hiding small, innocent purchases from partners can actually benefit relationships

Secrets are supposedly poison for a healthy relationship, but surprising new research finds hiding a few small purchases from your significant other may actually benefit the relationship.

Woman credits rescue dog with ‘detecting’ and alerting her to breast cancer tumor

Recent research shows that dogs can “sniff out” cancer in humans, and one pooch is showing training may not even be necessary. A woman says she owes her life to a rescue dog that “detected” her breast cancer after repeatedly poking at her right armpit.

‘Gamer rage’ in children: Study reveals what causes kids to lose control while playing video games

Playing video games can be an absolute blast for kids, but some struggle with losing or making mistakes. Many parents worry that gaming can lead to aggressive behavior in their daily lives, but what about poor behavior while still playing?

Racial wealth gap reality check: Minorities earn 7-10% less than White counterparts — at same company

The racial wealth gap remains a serious problem across companies worldwide, and a new study is shedding more light on the severity of the issue. Ethnic minorities stand to earn around 10 percent less than their White counterparts working at the very same company.

How much you trust your doctor can dictate how much pain you’ll have during procedures

Painful medical procedures are less agonizing if you trust your doctor, according to a new study. Scientists say the brain responds to pain in different ways depending on whether a physician is seen as trustworthy or not.

The green planet? Perseverance discovers Mars isn’t as red as we think!

The sands on Mars may actually be greener than scientists have thought. Brand new observations from the Mars rover Perseverance have found that the “Red Planet” is also home to the same kinds of rocks that turn beaches on Earth a dark shade of green!

Eating junk food may be the reason you’re feeling anxious or depressed

Eating ultra-processed foods could be the cause behind many cases of anxiety and depression, a new study explains. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Schmidt College of Medicine say they have found a connection between consuming too much junk food and more adverse mental health symptoms.

Unprepared for disaster: America’s urban planners haven’t learned from Hurricane Katrina