www.msn.com /en-au/news/other/u-s-records-more-than-530-mass-shootings-since-the-start-of-2022/ar-AA12Z0dE

U.S. records more than 530 mass shootings since the start of 2022

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The Gun Violence Archive reported Friday that a total of 532 mass shootings have been recorded in the United States since the beginning of the year, while 34,900 people have been killed in the U.S. by gunfire over the course of 2022.

Among teenagers, firearms have claimed 1,057 lives while nearly 3,000 have been injured. Among children, 251 children have been killed and another 570 have been injured.

In addition, in the publication shared on their Twitter profile, they detail that half of the deaths caused by gunfire were alleged suicides, up to 18,942 cases.

The Gun Violence counts up to 25 mass killings and forecasts that up to 650 mass shootings could be registered until the end of the year --120 more than those counted so far- if measures are not taken to curb this trend.

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